locations for photo shoots

I want one of the photos to be in the kitchen because food addiction coorelates with being in the kitchen often. The bathroom will serve as the picture of the person on the ground with the scale. My bedroom will be where I have the person reaching into the drawer for a candy bar. These all depict the lifstyle of someone with food addiction. I learned this from speaking to  food addicts and experiencing addictive behavior myself when around food. The kitchen table is where I will have the photo of the two plates and the family around the dinner table. this depicts how someone with food addiction is  never satisfied. Along with these pictures portraying the hopelessness of food addiction, I will have someone in the sunlight in my front yard to depict a "light at the end of the tunnel" feel. This shows how not all hope is lost for someone with food addiction. My focus on the ugly parts of food addiction is meant to mirror how one addicted to food feels. They see more of the bad and ugly rather than the good and redemptive part of their problem. I will also use another picture at the table with a plate of food  with a bow around it to show how food is truly a gift and if handled right can be beneficial instead of harmful.


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