Interviews/ develop questions

* Why would you say people choose food over other vices?
* What makes a food addict ( what are some common attributes)?
* Is there a difference between food addiction and other addictions (drugs, alcohol, sex)?
* What foods are addictive?
* So many people know what to do to lose weight or be healthy, why is it that we don't carry it out?
* You talk a lot about the willpower gap in your book, what is this and how does it apply to weight loss?
* What do you mean by making your food automatic?
* Its true that many people regain their weight, why is this the case?
* Do you think spirituality plays a role in battling food addiction?
* Do you think overeating is accepted in society? why or why not?
* Could you share a story (case study) that has truly touched you over these years of doing Bright Line eating?
* What are some first steps you can give to someone struggling with food addiction?
Daniel and Shaw
* Why would you say people choose food over other vices?
* Is there a difference between food addiction and other addictions (drugs, alcohol, sex)?
* Its true that many people regain their weight after losing weight, why do you think this is the case and do you think this related to food addiction?
* How do you think faith is related how someone deals with food addiction? 
* Do you think food is accepted over other vices? Why or why not?
* What advice can you give to someone struggling with food addiction?

I have contacted three experts on addiction. One of them, Dr. Daniel R. Berger II, is qualified in counseling and theology. The second, Dr. Mark E. Shaw, is qualified in the area of Biblical counseling and addiction. The third prospect is  Dr. Susan Pierce Thompson who is an expert in brain and cognitive neuroscience. All three being qualified to talk on the topic of food addiction. I hope to hear from them soon and use all of their expert opinions. I received a reply from Dr. Mark Shaw and will have an interview with him on December 10th. I will have an interview with Dr. Susan Pierce Thompson on Wednesday, December 11th. I have already interviewed Dr. Daniel Berger and it went very well. I asked questions that were objective to both parties, because I know they have different approaches. For Dr. Susan, I used questions geared toward her specific program for the readers to understand what her approach is and how it can help their relationship with food, long term. To tie the interviews together I asked both parties if spirituality or faith have a role in dealing with food addiction  I provide the readers with some concepts from experts and a program they can lach on to practice these concepts. I hope this leads the reader in the right direstion when changing their lifestyle.


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