Final submission

Starting with my cover, I added a grey stroke to the magazine name for better visibility. For the main article, I used the bold feature of InDesign rather than using the weight feature to make it stand out. This came as I discovered more features of InDesign. I also applied the bold feature to the other article titles. I changed the color of the page numbers to blue to tie into the blue T-shirt my subject is wearing. I also added another page number under the featured article for continuity. I added strokes around the page numbers, some being black and others white depending on which allowed the page reference to be visible. I added the page numbers, because it is conventional for magazines to give reference to the articles given on the cover. These small changes to the cover page allowed for the overall continuity and the professional look of my magazine cover.
For my contents page, I completely changed the orientation of the page. My third quarter submission version was meant for a two-page contents page. I kept the fonts, but changed the article titles to bold rather than adding weight to the fill. This gave the titles a more professional look. I made the featured article larger in the contents page and added 'featured article' with blue fill to specify the article I want my readers to focus on. I also changed the font of the large page numbers to match the font of the word 'contents', at the top. This gave the page more unity. I also shortened some of the article briefs, due to lack of space. Due to more research, I also added the page number, publication months, and the magazine title at the bottom left. This gives my contents page a more professional appeal and is similar to many of the contents pages I have studied.
Regarding my article pages, I rearranged the title of the article to not cover the subject's face. I also made the photo shorter for the sake of space. I added block caps to the beginning of every new paragraph. I moved the second photo to the left side for a better arrangement of space and contunuity. This photo also was changed to have a basic feather affect instead of a drop shadow effect. This was for both adding variety to the effects I used and for the more dramatic effect of the photo. I brought out a few quotes from the article and made them larger and the fill blue so it catches the reader's attention. I also edited my article to make my words more meaningful and say what I wanted to say in fewer words. The third photo was decreased in size for more space in the article and was placed next to the large quote for a visual on the context of the quote. I changed the fourth photo and moved it to the top of the article page. This allowed me to add the website to the bottom right side of the article. I also extended the line below the article to reach the end of the page and separate both the page number and the website. This added continuity to the two article pages. I changed the photo to a plate of salad instead of the avocado plate,  because I felt that the salad with a bow was more aproptiate for the message I was trying to portray. I wanted the salad with the bow to be a symbol that illustrates healthy food as a gift. The avocado plate was already used in my contents page and I did not want to overuse it. These changes to the article all went well together for the professional appeal of the article, as well as, the reach to my audience.
I implemented these changes from the feedback of my class and teacher, as well as, inspiration from my research to create a greater product for my audience.
